姓名:许寿方 职称:副教授 职务:教研室主任 所在部门:应用统计学教研室 办公地点:A03—304 E-mail:xushoufangmail@163.com |
2023-至今 新乡学院 数学与统计学院应用统计学教研室主任
2022-至今 新乡学院数学与统计学院副教授
1.Limit behaviors for ratios of order statistics from exponential distributions,Xu Shoufang; Mei Changlin (2021). Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 50(24),5918-5928.
2.Consistency of bootstrap approximation to the null distributions of local spatial statistics with application to house price analysis, Mei Changlin; Xu Shoufang; Chen Feng (2020). Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 217.
3.Limit theorems for ratios of order statistics from uniform distributions,Xu Shoufang; Mei Changlin; Miao Yu (2019). Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 1–14.
4.Complete convergence for arrays of ratios of order statistics,Miao Yu; Ma Huanhuan; Xu Shoufang; et al (2019). Open Mathematics (17), 439–451.
5.Structure identification and model selection in geographically weighted quantile regression models,Wang Wentao; Xu Shoufang; Yan Tianshun (2018). Spatial Statistics (26), 21–37.
6.Some limit theorems for ratios of order statistics from uniform random variables, Xu Shoufang; Miao Yu (2017).Journal of Inequalities and Applications,1–18.
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2023-2024(2) 数理统计 数学与统计本科生专业课
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